Aangepaste openingstijden: Vastelaovend

Tijdens Vastelaovend heeft de Bibliotheek Venlo aangepaste openingstijden. Wil je weten wanneer jouw vestiging open is? Kijk dan hier.

Watch story time videos together

Choose a different language

  • Over a thousand story time videos

    of the most beautiful picture books

  • Included in your library membership

    and membership for kids is free!

  • Fun and educational for kids

    boost language development together

The Reading Corner

A teaser of The Reading Corner

This is how it works

You can log in to The Reading Corner in four steps:

  1. Click the 'Log in to The Reading Corner’ button
  2. Enter the number on your library card
  3. Enter your password
  4. Click the 'Login' button

Have fun reading and listening!

Log in to The Reading Corner